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The newspaper "Sovet"

In gallery have presented painting of various directions (E.Andre, A.Kochetova, V.Guljaev, A.Kaminsky's work, V.Grigoryan and other authors),


Drawing, sculpture, photo, woodcarving, batic, embroidery (V.P.Efankovoj's embroidered with silk on the machine) the works are especially interesting.


We already informed our readers that in the beginning of October, 2009 in a basement of the house 133/16 in the street Voroshilov the gallery-workshop has been opened. This event has appeared possible thanks to activity of a society of artists «RUISO» which are headed by Vladimir Vladimirovich Grigoryan.

For a city the gallery has appeared the phenomenon unique: it became unique more or less large exhibition in Serpukhov which could be visited absolutely free of charge. Certainly, the basement far isn't ideal for an exposition, but the place for the organization of workshops where it is possible to be engaged in creativity sufficed artists. Besides the fact of is indicative that the premise in city center hasn't turned to the next boutique of fashionable clothes, and became a place where any interested person could admire the presented works, to get pleasant and even to bring own on display or sale. The last was possible partly because the gallery initially didn't apply for storehouse of products of "high" art, and not all artists exposed in it have received vocational training.

Anyway, it would be desirable to tell to V.V.Grigoryan and its colleagues: «I take off a hat!» – already only that they had enough forces (and means) to create in our city one more islet of the fine. But, unfortunately, the organizer of gallery has appeared completely is dependent on will of the owner of the areas which from the beginning of February has refused to it rent. Probably, there was more favourable variant for use подвальчика. Well, as they say: it's up to you.

And the organizer of gallery V.V.Grigoryan is compelled to search for the new area to continue the activity. The idea of creation of gallery, and, necessarily free, has appeared at it in the early childhood, and the artist isn't going to refuse it. «I don't complain, – V.V.Grigoryan admitted, – problems are in any activity. Certainly, such rent is inconvenient, but at me other variants while aren't present. Above yourself you will not jump».

The artist considers that our society doesn't have not enough spirituality, and after all one of effective remedies of the decision of this problem is art. «The person doesn't know, than he lives. Unfortunately, many simply don't understand that in a tomb only kind memory can be carried away. Therefore it is necessary to help people. Every possible museums, exhibitions are necessary for us as much as possible., Of course, the state should be engaged in it, but also we shouldn't stay idle. Each person should leave a trace».

«I all life am engaged in art, – V.V.Grigoryan continues, – anything else I can not live, therefore has organized gallery where author's works have been presented only: neither copies, nor fakes. Artists could realize the works, without intermediaries. People came into gallery, took pleasure – for me it is the big pleasure. Happened that for a day we had many visitors. However, unfortunately, not all understand that such painting. Some hang up a picture as a piece of furniture to hide a stain on wall-paper. Those who loves art, it is not a lot of. And after all the picture is a child of the artist, its thought ripens, and then streams on a canvas …»

On searches of a premise for gallery time, certainly, is required to V.V.Grigoryan, and it is not known, in what quantity. And still the artist hopes to locate on a new place already by the end of February.
